Thursday, January 17, 2008

Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL), Patriot

He stood on the floor of the House yesterday and spoke in support of Rep. Kucinich,s H. RES. 333 for the Impeachment of Vice President Cheney. For video of the speech and other resources along with the opportunity to participate go to… .
Text of letters to House members and Chairman Colleagues
Congressman Wexler urges support for Cheney Impeachment Hearings
Dennis Kucinich - Patriot!!!
Impeachment is a necessary exercise for our democratic republic at this time. Whether the Republicans in the Senate want to support our nation or not should bare no consequence on the House doing the right thing. It is imperative for our representatives in the People’s House to support the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
To do nothing would be, by Congressional silence, an affirmation of the presidents’ position on all the wrong doing he and his administration have conspired against the laws and values of our nation. The president and the Republican congresses he possessed will go down in history as the worst ever. The Democrats will follow suit if by their inaction they go down as affirming, for future presidents, administrative branch excesses.
There is a long list of administration crimes against the people of the United States. If this president and his vice president have not committed crimes of high enough level to warrant impeachment is it possible for impeachment to ever be used except for an occasion of sexual misconduct?

RAW STORY did a great job with this story.
Office of Special Plans Report
Valerie Plame Wilson--Patriot
The ball got rolling, on the horror which is modern Iraq, the moment the first bombs of ‘shock and awe’ were dropped. It was a failure from the beginning. All the millions who were against this war knew these events would happen and they were ignored and called un-American traitors. They continue to be right while the administration and their neoconservative cohorts continue to be disastrously wrong.
Iraq is a drain on our resources, both military and financial. That is what Al Qaeda finds joy in. The Bushies played directly into their hands when the war on terror was stolen for Neocon goals in Iraq. As a consequence Al Qaeda has grown in strength, membership, and territory. This is what has left our national interests vulnerable both at home and abroad.
The ‘declare success then cut and run’ tactic employed by the Bush administration in Afghanistan so we could engage in their dirty little occupation in Iraq has left this area of the globe much more unstable. And were left coddling another human rights violating dictator for short term gain hoping he will do for us what we should have done ourselves. Every time we cuddle up to a dictator it comes back to bite us in the rear.

Pervez Musharraf is just the latest example of ‘our dictator in the pocket’, at least until it all falls apart. Human Rights in Pakistan are horrendous, they have weapons of ‘mass destruction’, those who would attack us are educated, harbored and trained within their borders, and bin Laden is protected there.

So we are stuck with a dictator with the Bomb, pointed at India, facing a Taliban-like insurgency that will have the Bomb, pointed at whomever, if they launch a successful coup.

There are many reasons for impeaching Bush/Cheney.

police state
path to dictatorship

Sadly so many good people who still tear up over 'God Bless America' have filled their lives with so many voluntary and involuntary distractions that they've allowed themselves to become easy prey for right-wing propagandists. That's why so many of us keep begging and screaming...
Wake Up!!!

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