If our presence in Iraq is futile or more destructive to them and us than our absence then we must leave.
The very minimum the United States should do is;
* Make certain that the world and the Iraqi people know we have no intention of having permanent bases.
* Turn over the building of the country to the people who live there.
* Apologize to the nation the Iraqis and the world for the lies that were used to start this war and the crimes that were committed during the occupation. President Bush and Vice President Cheney should both resign. If they won’t resign then they must be impeached.
* Bring ALL neighboring countries into discussions on the future of Iraq and the region.* We should be listening to Murtha and the others who have plans for a phased withdraw and redeployment. Plans? We Got Plans
* We must also be doing something along the lines of setting up refugee centers for the many displaced people. These centers should be run by people who know how to do this sort of thing like charitable groups along with the UN. Syria and Jordan are awash in refugees. Considerable aid should be coming from us to aid these people.
The leaders of the various factions must be dealt with politically at the table of peace and compromise. Reconciliation is imperative. Archbishop Desmond Tutu had great success dealing with the results of the hate such conflicts generated. He should be listened to now and his methods seriously investigated, otherwise I fear the violence will continue for generations to come. This is ultimately the greatest challenge of Iraq and sadly around the globe and within each of us. We must begin to address all the problems that lead to groups using terror as a weapon and embracing extreme radical forms of fundamentalism.
‘Mutilated,’ ‘Tortured,’ And ‘Unidentified Bodies’ In Baghdad Rise To ‘Pre-Surge Levels’


Patterns of Sectarian Violence in Baghdad
Most Iraqis Want U.S. Troops Out Within a Year
Think Progress
Most Iraqis Want U.S. Troops Out Within a Year
Think Progress
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