Monday, October 01, 2007

killing 'Moslems' its okay; nooooo!!!

"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,neither shall they learn war any more."
(Isaiah 2:4)

Read statement and sign-on
Words, Not War, With Iran

also read this......
God takes no sides in war

Saint Francis of Assisi was able, during war, to walk between the Moslem side and the Christian side talking of love and peace and the architect of both. There are many people, I’m sad to say even some who have his statue in their gardens thinking of him only as a lover of birds and little furry animals, who would call him a vile traitor, liberal appeaser and dangerous threat worthy of torture and life detention if he were to carry out those same actions in today’s climate.

There’s been a lot of hatefulness from right wing conservatives, many who consider themselves chosen Christians, who feel the government has no business caring for the most vulnerable among us, while wasting money on corporation 'wellfare' and giveaway schemes or military adventurism is just fine.

Hate and prejudice directed at minorities, immigrants and anyone who voices dissent or interferes has not died. There are a sizeable number of people on the right who really don't care that the invasion and susquent disasterous occupation in Iraq is wrong and that as long as we're killing 'Moslems' its okay and the sooner we can do that in Iran the better.

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