Another letter to the editor published on Sunday. I was going to write about the Iraq war caused problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan but there’s been a lot of anti-immigrant; everyone must embrace only English rants in the letters to the editor recently. I was just adding my voice to those who have spoken up against the rhetoric of the ones with tolerance only for those who are the same.
Immigrants merit compassion
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The conservative opinion regarding undocumented inhabitants is to arrest and ship them back. While there are people here illegally from many parts of the world, this is primarily a reaction to Latinos from south of our border.
Massive roundups of those who are unjustly judged "unacceptable" have never worked well for those being arrested or the offending country. We have recent horror stories from other nations and here with the Japanese internment and the Trail of Tears. Tearing apart Latino families would be comparatively disastrous for them but also for our national spirit, which has suffered enough through the Bush years.
Their poverty and status has been used against them, as it has been for other immigrant groups deemed undesirable, for the benefit of unprincipled interests, for many generations.
It is immoral to use people, then throw them away when they become inconvenient. Christian (isn't that the kind of country the religious right repeatedly says we have?) kindness would dictate compassion. Those who wear the Bible on their sleeve should know how to treat immigrants and all others who fall into need. The arguments rationalizing this away do not come from God but from a much darker, hotter, unholy place.
Ken Wells
Spokesman Review