Saturday, September 27, 2008

GOP truth was skant at 1st Presidential Debate.

Obama Biden 08

Fight the Smears

Obama Biden 08 issues

The first presidential debate in full

McCain was wrong so much of the time it was near impossible for Barack to correct him every time. I wish he did.

The McCain/Bush side of the debate was wrong on...

who attacked who in Georgia;

Pakistan being a democracy before the military coup of Musharraf;

the Pakistan president's name;


SDI not being the main reason the USSR fell;

Reagan's negotiations with Russia;

Kissinger calling for negotiations with N. Korea and Iran without preconditions;

Palin and McCain On Kissinger/Iran

the effectiveness of the Surge;

the timetable for leaving the occupation that's embraced by Iraq;

meeting the security goals of the 9-11 report;

the cause of the current economic crisis;

Obama's tax plan;

being a good backer of veterans issues rather than being an opponent;

being a proud American flag pin wearer;

many more things in addition that my feeble memory isn't able to recall right now although, I think I did pretty good for the morning after. But, this is an American debate where the facts, truth and lies don't matter. Only form does.

from Countdown with Keith Olbermann...

with Joe Biden

from Rachel Maddow...


Who Won The Debate? Reviews Go To Obama

Poll: Both men beat expectations — but Obama had the edge

not only does he not look at him he makes funny faces, too


Obama Biden 08

Fight the Smears

Obama Biden 08 issues

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