Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Neocons and their cohorts are fascists

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
George W. Bush

Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise. "
Adolp HItler

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini
"We stand for the maintenance of private property... We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible economic order."
Adolph Hitler

“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power. "
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

When Democracy failed

They are fascist.

From the very beginning of the Bush administration they began to marry corporate goals with administration goals. It started with the secretive energy meetings conducted by Cheney. The Bush administration accommodates their needs over that of America in most every instance. They place cronies, many of whom are unqualified, into positions of importance who end up catering to corporate interests over that of the American people. The no bid Halliburton contracts are a prime example. Neocons desire to rid the country of responsible government regulation of business and urgently needed social programs that they feel might interfere with their conservative vision of the way they would like to see business conducted. They believe those programs they are willing to let survive should be placed into private hands (the ownership society). They don’t just want to unravel everything positive that FDR did for our nation they want to destroy progressive advancements back to the time of Teddy Roosevelt.
David Kowal
Propaganda assails us all day long. The AM radio is dominated by extreme right wing viewpoints spewing pro-administration talking points and distortions across the dial twenty four hours a day. They also have the Fox news network along with many local stations affiliated with all the other networks, The Mooney owned Washington Times along with many other newspapers and publications. Multiple media outlets are owned in each city thanks to FCC deregulation. The other television network outlets are under the ownership of large profit centered corporations who have generated timid news crews. Courageous, independent and honest media sources are becoming harder to find in this country and those that do exist are constantly assailed.

Dissenting voices are considered wrong, portrayed as un-American, traitorous, or evil. Anyone who is not like them is not to be respected or trusted and they are routinely attacked, ridiculed and dehumanized. They advance hate for Muslims, liberals, the United Nations, any country that criticizes the neoconservative agenda and all those who fall outside their twisted moral view of society. Orwellian double speak, lies, half-truths, and distortions are their tools of choice. Anyone or group who disagrees with or contradicts the administration or its allies and benefactors are trashed mercilessly.

The neoconservatives are gifted at what I call ‘misdirection’. Just like what magicians do to distract an audience’s attention. It’s used most often when there is news or some other event they would like to draw our attention away from. Most often the device they chose is terror alerts or some threat of terrorism. They bring out some old report and present it as new, give partial information presented in the most threatening manner or completely fabricate the threat. The lapdog corporate media dutifully covers the administration tale ignoring what it was meant to hide. Sometimes the misdirection is as simple as an attack on a political enemy or policy such as gay marriage or some other conservative hot button issue.
from Peace Takes Courage
Political rallies where only people who sign a loyalty oath are allowed to attend. The people run a gauntlet of security to make sure no dissenters of any kind manage to slip inside to see who are supposed to be the leaders of everyone in the country. If you’re curious or just want to see your president or other top administration officials and hear them speak; you’re not getting in without the right papers. Many other rallies are attended only by the military on their turf, listening to a civilian president decked out in military garb. These events are highly orchestrated to sway the emotions while presenting an attractive stage for television news going about the business of providing colorful sound bites for a gullible public. Their propaganda is meant to control opinion in their favor by distorting and hiding the truth. It's in their interests the Neoconservative Bush administration is operating, not the United States.

People, including US citizens, can be locked up without charge, only suspicion is necessary, indefinitely with no access to counsel, the Red Cross or human rights groups. Anyone who looks Middle Eastern is targeted as a possible terrorist and deserves intense scrutiny and possible indefinite detention. Immigrants to our country including children can be held indefinitely without charge.

Habeas corpus, posse comitatus and personal privacy have been thrown on the ash heap. Our homes, mail, medical records, the books we borrow from the library, the web sites we visit, and the groups we associate with are all subject to secret FBI or Homeland Security snooping without legitimate judicial review.

Elections have become guarded events with suspicious activities such as purging voting rolls or having too few polling places forcing lines many hours long in predominately black districts or intimating a threat of arrest. Why, because they most often vote democratic.

We’re allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of by those who would desire to see our freedoms lessened for their own lustful purposes. They believe they are allowed, they have good reasons, and that domestic or international law does not apply to them.

14 Characteristics of Fascism
Mike Malloy
The "Good German"syndrome

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