A few quotes we shouldn’t forget. Saddam Hussein's offensive military capability, his capacity to threaten his neighbors, has been virtually eliminated.
Dick Cheney Secretary of Defense - April 29, 1991
"If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road."
Gov. George W. Bush - October 3, 2000
"The sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction ... And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq ... "
Secretary of State Colin Powell - 2001 February 24, 2001
"But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice - July 29, 2001
Do not obey any command to use weapons of mass destruction against anyone, including the Iraqi people. War crimes will be prosecuted. War criminals will be punished. And it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."
President George W. Bush - March 17, 2003
Those who follow orders to commit such crimes will be found and they will be punished. War crimes will be prosecuted. And it will be no excuse to say, 'I was just following orders.' Any official involved in such crimes will forfeit hope of amnesty or leniency with respect to past action.
Donald Rumsfeld - Secretary of Defense - March 20, 2003
"The United States is committed to the worldwide elimination of torture and we are leading this fight by example."
George W. Bush - June 26, 2003
Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right, and we are committed to building a world where human rights are respected and protected by the rule of law…Throughout the world, there are many who have been seeking to have their voices heard, to stand up for their right to freedom, and to break the chains of tyranny. Too many of those courageous women and men are paying a terrible price for their brave acts of dissent. Many have been detained, arrested, thrown in prison, and subjected to torture by regimes that fail to understand that their habits of control will not serve them well in the long-term.
President George W. Bush June 26, 2005
Saddam Hussein's regime is despicable, he is developing weapons of mass destruction, and we cannot leave him doing so unchecked... He is a threat to his own people and to the region and, if allowed to develop these weapons, a threat to us also."
Prime Minister Tony Blair - 10 April 2002
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, Saddam has continued to produce them, he has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be deployed within 45 minutes.
Prime Minister Tony Blair - 2002 Sept 24
If we don't act now, then we will go back to what has happened before and then of course the whole thing begins again and he carries on developing these weapons and these are dangerous weapons, particularly if they fall into the hands of terrorists who we know want to use these weapons if they can get them.
Prime Minister Tony Blair - 11 March 2003
I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.
Vice President Dick Cheney, On March 16 2003
I picked up a newspaper today and I couldn't believe it. I read eight headlines that talked about chaos, violence, unrest. And it just was Henny Penny -- "The sky is falling." I've never seen anything like it! And here is a country that's being liberated, here are people who are going from being repressed and held under the thumb of a vicious dictator, and they're free. And all this newspaper could do, with eight or 10 headlines, they showed a man bleeding, a civilian, who they claimed we had shot -- one thing after another.
Donald Rumsfeld - Secretary of Defense - April 11, 2003"
Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It’s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York."
Condoleezza Rice November 28, 2003
See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.
President George W. Bush - May 24, 2005
Everything these guys said was wrong at best but most commonly were lies mixed with distortions. The people against this war were right in their characterization of what the outcome would be. They were ignored and called traitors and cowards when they should have been listened to. Listen to them now when they speak against current and future military misadventures (Iran) because their voices carry more truth than the voices of the egocentric chicken hawks in the Bush administration.
War is not a game.