Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bushies made Al Qaeda stronger!!!

The ball got rolling, on the horror which is modern Iraq, the moment the first bombs of ‘shock and awe’ were dropped. It was a failure from the beginning. All the millions who were against this war knew these events would happen and they were ignored and called un-American traitors. They continue to be right while the administration and their neoconservative cohorts continue to be disastrously wrong.

Iraq is a drain on our resources, both military and financial. That is what Al Qaeda finds joy in. The Bushies played directly into their hands when the war on terror was stolen for Neocon goals in Iraq. As a consequence Al Qaeda has grown in strength, membership, and territory. This is what has left our national interests vulnerable both at home and abroad.

This is just one of the many reasons for impeaching Bush/Cheney.
blast from the past

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