Saturday, August 16, 2008

Don't insult to the resourcefulness, ingenuity and can-do spunk of the American spirit.

This is a letter I submitted to the
Spokesman Review a few days ago. I haven't heard back from them. I've had quite a few letters printed so they didn't except my last two, so I've waited several months to send another one in. I was trying to do (outrageously little fish that I am ) the activist thing and keep important progressive issues in the mix. The town seems to be about 60% conservative and 40% Democrat and whatever else (we are just a stones through from Northern Idaho). They do print many liberal/progressive/Democrat letters.

Of course to their benefit they always call to verify that the person is who they say they are. This being summer we are not always by the phone from morning to early afternoon.

They're a good paper in a growing town trying hard to survive in a world of media so much more easier and enticing than reading. Personally, I think they should do much more with their web site. Allowing comments on editorials, opinion, and letters. Selling advertising space from local business. I bet they could come up with all kinds of creative ideas if they let themselves go.

Rather than assume I am now blocked out I should probably resubmit it with an explanation of when it is best to get ahold of us.

Anyway, my letter...

There are millions of acres of nationally owned land leased by big oil available
for exploitation. They're looking for control of more land.

There's a sentiment of use it or lose it. Let's develop what we have before
damaging, what we're responsible, to leave in good condition for our children.

Arguing, and voting against alternative advances in energy is an insult to the
resourcefulness and ingenuity of the American spirit.

Why anyone would bet against the can-do spunk of Americans is hard to
understand. But, the Republican party is dominated by those who are doing this
very thing in order to protect massive oil company profits. It's a detriment to
what we can all achieve.

The US has always been in the forefront of developing new technology that has
spread around the globe and advanced the standard of living for the whole human

Representative McMorris/Rodgers has been led by the oil soaked Bush/Cheney
administration and voted against the best interest of the United States of

She voted against the American can-do spirit many times...

HR-6049, HR.5351, HR.6515, HR.6251, HR.6346, HR.2776, but she voted YES on
05/18/06 - HR.5386 to prohibit offshore drilling along coastal states.
McCain: ‘I Have Not Missed Any Crucial Vote’ On Energy Legislation

Barack Obama on Energy

New Energy for America
from the Union of Concerned Scientist...

Clean Energy

from Greenpeace...

Global Warming and Energy
GOP is intentionally ignorant on climate change


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