Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rush Limbaugh & the elephant droppings wing of the GOP

VoteVets.org Ad on Rush Limbaugh

Supporting the misguided Bush Administration has nothing to do with supporting the troops. The Republican party, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of right-wing hate radio have made it very plain to every person that has served in the military, is currently serving in the military or ever will serve in the military that no act of heroism for your country or act of heroism for your home or act of heroism for your brothers and sisters in arms is worth ‘a hill of beans’ unless you submit to a particular agenda masquerading as conservative Republican.

Even the soldier who falls on the grenade is un-American if he’s found out to be a suspected liberal. After all if he’s a Democrat it must have been some cowardly liberal plot that led that person to commit assisted suicide rather than the selfless act of heroism everyone else sees as truth.

Phony Lies From Rush Limbaugh

The sad thing is, the GOP along with Rush and company have made very clear to any soldiers, airman, seaman, or marines that may have been tempted to tell the American people the truth, whether it’s about the war, lack of proper military equipment, or their own mistreatment through sub-par states-side medical treatment, to keep they’re mouths shut except when regurgitating the Neoconservative talking points because they’re testimony is worthless and threatening to the Bush administrations public image.

Rush Limbaugh on Powell Endorsement of Obama

Many people refer to Rush as a 'pig' among far less flattering and more accurate descriptions. I've liked talk radio a long time. I would imagine I've heard his first show, if not his first at least in the first week. Back then he enjoyed making fun of and belittling the homeless. He's only gotten worse with success. I do believe he's a 'pig' along with the others of his ilk.

Rush Limbaugh - Darfur is About The Black Vote

Rush Limbaugh: Barack the magic Negro

Much of our military come from the minority community. They have strong regulations on how matters of race and sex are to be respected. Limbaugh violates all of these. He has demonstrated many times that he has no business on Armed Forces Radio.

Al Franken: Where Rush Limbaugh's Facts Come From


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